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The prayer ministry at the Christian Nation Church believes that nothing lasting will happen apart from prayer. Therefore, we encourage people to allow prayer to permeate all ministries of the church, so that each effort is prayed for and prayer is a significant part of every ministry. In Isaiah 56:7, God says of those who join themselves to Him, "these I will bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful in my house of prayer . For my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples."  In a house of prayer, virtually everyone in the church is involved in prayer; we believe this is God's plan for The Christian Nation Church.   

Prayer Opportunities:       

Prayer Group - This group prays together before every service on Sundays  in the prayer rooms or main sanctuary  . Please Join us!


Prayer Chain - We have a Prayer Chain via Text message. If you would like to be added . Contact us and we will add you to the list. 

When He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. -Matthew 14:23
May we post your prayer request on the web site?

Please Pray

Update on Steve

April 30,2022

Update: It was a rough night. His pain medication did not last the hours that it was supposed to so they have changed his Morphine to Dilaudid. They will be adding A longer lasting Oxycontin Extended Release between times. He is more comfortable this last hour then anytime since his surgery. Praying this works.

Very rough night. Thanks for your continued prayers. We are requesting “No Visitors” today, except for immediate family. Thank you for your understanding concerning this matter.

April 29, 2022 Such good news!  Steve is getting ready to go into recovery. I just got a call from the doctor and there was no complications during surgery. He should be off the ventilator in about 10 minutes. We are praising God for this news since it was such a critical issue!!! God is good! Thank you all so much for your prayers today ...they made the difference! We would ask for your continued prayers as he begins this road of recovery.

April 29, 2022 Please Pray for Steve Mills he is having serious back surgery today.

Please Pray for his complete healing.

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